Preparing Your Farm for Your Hospital Stay: A Guide for Expectant Mothers



Understanding Your Farm’s Needs

Before you can find someone to farm sit or before you can get an emergency caretaker, you must first create some sort of list for whomever will be taking over for you, while you are away. You may want to start your day with a pen and paper and write down each task you do. You may surprise yourself on how much stuff you might have forgotten and how LONG that list becomes. Consider the following aspects:

Preparing Your Farm for Your Hospital Stay: A Guide for Expectant Mothers

As an expectant mother who also happens to manage a farm, preparing for the arrival of your baby involves more than just packing a hospital bag and choosing a name! You will also need to ensure that your farm will be well-taken care of during your absence. Whether you’re preparing for a routine delivery or anticipating the unexpected, having a plan in place for your farm is crucial. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate this important aspect of your journey into motherhood.


  1. Livestock: Do you have animals that need feeding, watering, and possibly milking or egg collecting? Make a list of each animal’s needs and feeding schedule.
  2. Crops and Gardens: Are there specific watering schedules, pest control measures, or harvesting needs that must be attended to regularly?
  3. Equipment Maintenance: Are there any ongoing repairs or maintenance tasks that need to be monitored or completed? Do you have a fence area, for example, that tends to fail at unexpected times? You may want your farm sitter to check on that fence at each visit.
  4. Emergency Supplies: Do you have backup supplies of feed, medication, and other essentials in case of unexpected situations?
  5. Unexpected or Chronic Tasks: You may have an animal that may have an ongoing issue that pops up from time to time or maybe there is a persistent problem like a returning fox, that you can’t seem to catch in the act. Make sure you add to your list, ways for the sitter to check on and mitigate these sort of problems.

Planning for Your Hospital Stay

Step 1: Identify Potential Caretakers

Ideally, you should have a primary and a backup caretaker identified and prepared well in advance of your due date. Here’s how to go about finding them:

  • Family and Friends: Start by asking trustworthy family members or friends who are familiar with your farm routine.
  • Neighbors: Consider neighbors who are experienced with farming or who may have helped out in the past.
  • Professional Farm Sitters: There are services available that specialize in farm sitting. They often have experience with various types of livestock and farming operations.

Step 2: Communicate Expectations Clearly

Once you’ve identified your potential caretakers, it’s crucial to sit down with them and go over the details of your farm’s daily operations. Here are some key points to cover:

  • Daily Tasks: Provide a detailed schedule of feeding times, watering needs, and any specific tasks that need attention.
  • Emergency Protocols: Outline what should be done in case of an emergency, such as contacting a veterinarian or handling a sudden equipment failure.
  • Contact Information: Give them a list of important contacts, including your veterinarian, neighbors who can assist in emergencies, and how to reach you or your partner at the hospital.
  • Another Consideration: While you may find someone who is reliable, things still happen. Consider having a backup person who can take care of things if something happens to your primary sitter. It will be MUCH harder to get someone else set up, if you are in the hospital.

Step 3: Trial Run

If possible, arrange for a trial period where your chosen caretaker(s) can spend a day or two shadowing you on the farm. This hands-on experience will give them a better understanding of your routines and any nuances they need to be aware of.

Step 4: Prepare Your Farm

  • Stock Up: Ensure you have enough feed, medications, and other supplies to last through your hospital stay and a few extra days in case of unexpected delays.
  • Secure Perimeters: Double-check all fences, gates, and enclosures to prevent any potential escapes or unauthorized access.
  • Document Everything: Create a comprehensive document or checklist detailing all necessary tasks and information. Include feeding instructions, medication dosages (if applicable), and any special care instructions.

Final Preparations Before You Go

As your due date approaches, there are a few final preparations you’ll need to make to ensure a smooth transition:

  • Emergency Fund: Have an emergency fund set aside for unexpected expenses related to your farm while you’re away.
  • Legal Considerations: Consider drafting a simple agreement or contract outlining the caretaker’s responsibilities and expectations. This can help prevent misunderstandings down the line.
  • Backup Plans: Review your backup plans with your primary caretaker and ensure they are comfortable stepping in if your primary plan falls through.

During Your Hospital Stay

While you’re focusing on delivering your baby and adjusting to parenthood, it’s natural to worry about your farm. Here are a few tips to help you manage your concerns:

  • Stay Informed: Have a designated point of contact (perhaps your partner or a trusted friend) who can provide you with updates on your farm’s status. Consider having one of your trusted people going over to the farm while your sitter is there, to ensure the job is getting done correctly.
  • Trust Your Preparation: You’ve done your best to prepare your farm and your caretaker. Trust that they are capable of handling the day-to-day tasks in your absence.

Returning Home

Once you’ve welcomed your new addition and are ready to return home, take some time to ease back into farm life:

  • Check-In: Arrange for a brief check-in with your caretaker to discuss any observations or concerns they may have noticed during your absence.
  • Express Gratitude: Show appreciation to your caretaker(s) for their efforts in maintaining your farm while you were away.


Preparing your farm for your hospital stay requires careful planning and communication. By identifying reliable caretakers, clearly communicating expectations, and ensuring your farm is well-prepared, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your farm and animals are in capable hands. Remember, while your focus may be on your new baby, attending to your farm’s needs ensures a smooth transition and continued success in managing both your family and your agricultural endeavors. A farm doesn’t stop even if you can’t be there.

Pregnancy Tips for Women Living the Farm Life

Pregnancy Tips for Women Living the Farm Life

This is not medical advice. Please consult a physician about any of your pregnancy questions and concerns.

For women living the farm life, pregnancy takes on a unique dimension. Living on a farm is both wonderful and at times, back breaking. Embracing motherhood amidst the backdrop of farm chores, animals, and fields requires careful consideration and adaptation. It’ time to remember to take care of yourself and the baby. Let’s look at some tips for that:

  1. Prioritize Self-Care: Farm life can be demanding, with long hours and physically strenuous tasks. During pregnancy, it’s crucial to prioritize self-care to ensure both the mother’s and baby’s well-being. This includes adequate rest, hydration, and nutrition. Take breaks when needed, delegate tasks to others, and listen to your body’s signals. Remember, nurturing yourself is essential for nurturing your growing baby.
  2. Modify Farm Chores: Many farm chores involve heavy lifting, bending, and prolonged periods of standing, which may not be suitable for pregnant women, especially as the pregnancy progresses. Modify tasks to minimize physical strain, such as using lighter equipment, taking frequent breaks, and avoiding activities that require heavy lifting or strenuous exertion. Consider enlisting the help of family members, friends, or hired assistance to share the workload.
  3. Practice Proper Body Mechanics: When engaging in farm work during pregnancy, practice proper body mechanics to reduce the risk of injury and strain. Bend at the knees when lifting objects, rather than bending at the waist, and use proper lifting techniques to avoid putting undue stress on your back. Avoid sudden movements or overreaching, and be mindful of your posture to maintain alignment and support for your growing belly.
  4. Stay Hydrated and Cool: Working outdoors on the farm, especially during hot weather, can increase the risk of dehydration and overheating, which can be particularly concerning during pregnancy. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day, and take frequent breaks in shaded or air-conditioned areas to prevent overheating. Wear loose, breathable clothing, and consider scheduling outdoor tasks during the cooler parts of the day to minimize exposure to extreme temperatures.
  5. Be Mindful of Chemical Exposure: Pregnant women should exercise caution when working with or around chemicals commonly used in farming, such as pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. Minimize exposure by wearing protective clothing, gloves, and masks when handling chemicals, and avoid direct contact whenever possible. Consider using organic or natural alternatives to conventional chemical inputs to reduce the risk of exposure to harmful substances.
  6. Maintain Good Hygiene: Good hygiene practices are essential for preventing illness and infection during pregnancy, especially when working in a farm environment where exposure to dirt, animal waste, and other contaminants is common. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, especially before eating or preparing food, and after handling animals or working in the soil. Keep cuts and wounds clean and covered to prevent infection, and avoid contact with potentially harmful substances.
  7. Listen to Your Body: Pregnancy is a time of heightened awareness of your body’s signals and needs. Pay attention to how you’re feeling physically and emotionally, and don’t hesitate to seek help or take a break if you’re experiencing discomfort or fatigue. Trust your instincts and prioritize your well-being and that of your baby above all else.
  8. Plan for Medical Care: Access to medical care and support services may be limited in rural areas, so it’s essential to plan ahead for prenatal care and childbirth. Schedule regular prenatal check-ups with a qualified healthcare provider, and discuss any specific concerns or considerations related to your farm lifestyle. Consider developing a birth plan that outlines your preferences and wishes for labor and delivery, and explore options for childbirth education classes or support groups in your community.
  9. Create a Support Network: Navigating pregnancy and farm life can be challenging, but you don’t have to do it alone. Cultivate a support network of family, friends, neighbors, and fellow farmers who can offer assistance, advice, and encouragement along the way. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help when needed, whether it’s with farm chores, childcare, or emotional support.
  10. Ask for help: If you are a mother-to-be on a farm, you have likely become accustom to doing things yourself, when you know something needs done. That is a great strategy for life, but not so much for pregnancy. You absolutely can’t do it all, right now. Try to remember that, as it isn’t an easy behavior to overcome when you are used to doing what needs done.

Conclusion: Pregnancy and farm life are two choices that, when combined, create a new set of experiences, challenges, and joys. By prioritizing self-care, modifying farm chores, practicing proper safety precautions, and cultivating a strong family and friends network, women embracing farm life can navigate pregnancy with confidence and grace. With careful planning, mindfulness, and a deep connection to the land, they can create a nurturing environment for themselves and their growing families, ensuring a bright and sustainable future for generations to come.

Navigating Pregnancy on a Homestead

Navigating Pregnancy on a Homestead

This is not medical advice. Please consult a physician about any of your pregnancy questions and concerns.

When one is expecting a child, every decision becomes significant, from the food we eat to the environment we live in. For those living on a homestead, this experience takes on a whole nother level. Some days can be hard on the body and finding help is not always an option. Living a homesteading life can be more fulfilling, but also more difficult, especially with a baby on the way. Let’s take a look at some of the aspects of living on a homestead while pregnant.

The Homestead Lifestyle: Homesteading embodies a return to simpler living, where individuals strive for self-reliance and sustainability. It often involves growing food, raising animals, and living off the land as much as possible. For many homesteaders, this lifestyle is a deliberate choice, driven by a desire to live closer to nature and away from the hustle and bustle of modern society.

Pregnancy, with its demands for nurturing and self-care, can seamlessly fit into this lifestyle. Expectant mothers on homesteads have the opportunity to engage in gentle physical activity, such as gardening or caring for animals, which can promote overall well-being during pregnancy. The fresh air, wholesome food, and close connection to nature can create an optimal environment for both mother and baby.

Challenges and Considerations: While the homestead lifestyle offers many benefits, it also presents unique challenges for pregnant women. Physical exertion, such as lifting heavy objects or performing strenuous chores, may need to be modified to ensure the safety of both mother and child. Additionally, access to medical care and support networks may be limited in rural areas, requiring expectant mothers to plan ahead and establish contingency plans.

Maintaining a balanced diet is crucial during pregnancy, and homesteaders often have the advantage of growing their own organic fruits and vegetables. However, ensuring a diverse and nutritious diet may require careful planning and supplementation, especially in regions with short growing seasons or limited access to certain foods.

Another consideration for pregnant homesteaders is the management of stress and mental well-being. The demands of maintaining a homestead, coupled with the physical changes of pregnancy, can be overwhelming at times. Practicing self-care, seeking support from loved ones, and engaging in relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga can help mitigate stress and promote emotional balance.

Preparing for Parenthood: As the due date approaches, expectant parents on homesteads must make practical preparations for the arrival of their little one. This may include setting up a nursery, stocking up on baby essentials, and making any necessary adjustments to the homestead infrastructure to accommodate a growing family.

Creating a birth plan is essential for pregnant homesteaders, as access to medical facilities may be limited in rural areas. Some may choose to give birth at home with the assistance of a midwife or doula, while others may opt for a hospital birth, depending on their individual preferences and circumstances. Regardless of the chosen birthing method, having a comprehensive plan in place can help ensure a safe and positive birth experience.

In addition to physical preparations, expectant parents must also prepare emotionally and mentally for the life-changing journey of parenthood. This may involve attending childbirth education classes, reading books on parenting, and seeking guidance from experienced homesteaders or healthcare professionals.

The Joys of Parenthood on a Homestead: Despite the challenges, being pregnant on a homestead is a deeply rewarding experience that offers countless joys and blessings. From feeling the first flutters of life within the womb to watching the miracle of birth unfold before their eyes, expectant parents on homesteads are intimately connected to the cycles of nature and the miracle of life.

Raising a child on a homestead offers unparalleled opportunities for learning, growth, and connection. Children raised in this environment learn valuable life skills from an early age, such as responsibility, resourcefulness, and respect for nature. They develop a deep appreciation for the land and the importance of stewardship, instilling in them a sense of environmental consciousness that will serve them well throughout their lives.

Moreover, the close-knit community that often characterizes homestead living provides a strong support network for growing families. Neighbors come together to celebrate milestones, lend a helping hand during times of need, and share in the joys and challenges of parenthood.

Conclusion: Pregnancy on a homestead is a unique and enriching experience that combines the joys of motherhood with the rewards of sustainable living. While it presents its own set of challenges, the homestead lifestyle offers expectant mothers a nurturing environment in which to thrive during this transformative time. By embracing the rhythms of nature, fostering self-sufficiency, and cultivating a sense of community, pregnant homesteaders can embark on this journey with confidence, knowing that they are laying the foundation for a bright and sustainable future for their growing family.

Pregnancy and Farm Life

Pregnancy and Farm Life

This is not medical advice. Please consult a physician about any of your pregnancy questions and concerns.

Living on a farm is a unique and enriching experience, filled with the beauty of nature, the rhythm of rural life, and the joys of tending to animals and crops. For pregnant women, the farm lifestyle offers a blend of challenges and rewards, as they navigate the journey of pregnancy amidst the backdrop of wide-open spaces, fresh air, and the comforting presence of the land. In this article, we explore the experiences, considerations, and joys of being a pregnant woman living on a farm, embracing the wonders of motherhood while nurturing the land and its inhabitants.

Connection to Nature: Finding Peace and Serenity

One of the most profound aspects of being a pregnant woman on a farm is the deep connection to nature that permeates daily life. Surrounded by acres of fields, forests, and meadows, expectant mothers have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the beauty and tranquility of the natural world, finding solace and serenity amidst the chaos of pregnancy.

The gentle rustle of leaves in the wind, the melodic chirping of birdsong, and the soft hum of insects create a symphony of sounds that soothe the soul and calm the mind. Pregnant women living on farms often find solace in spending time outdoors, whether it’s taking leisurely walks through the fields, sitting by a tranquil pond, or simply basking in the warmth of the sun.

Connecting with nature can be especially beneficial during pregnancy, providing expectant mothers with a sense of grounding, mindfulness, and inner peace. The simple act of breathing in the fresh air, feeling the earth beneath their feet, and witnessing the beauty of the natural world can instill a sense of wonder and gratitude for the miracle of life growing within.

Physical Activity: Embracing the Rhythms of Rural Life

Pregnancy on a farm is not just about relaxation and contemplation—it’s also about embracing the physical demands of rural life and staying active amidst the chores and responsibilities of tending to the land and its inhabitants. From tilling the soil and planting seeds to caring for animals and harvesting crops, pregnant women on farms engage in a variety of physical activities that keep them strong, resilient, and connected to the rhythms of rural life.

While pregnancy may require expectant mothers to modify their activities and pace themselves accordingly, many women find joy and fulfillment in participating in farm work and contributing to the livelihood of their families. Whether it’s mucking out stalls, hauling hay bales, or tending to garden beds, the physical exertion of farm work can be both invigorating and empowering for pregnant women, allowing them to stay active and engaged in the life of the farm.

Of course, it’s essential for pregnant women to listen to their bodies, take breaks when needed, and avoid overexertion or activities that may pose a risk to their health and the health of their baby. Fortunately, living on a farm provides ample opportunities for rest and relaxation, whether it’s taking breaks in the shade of a tree, enjoying a refreshing glass of homemade lemonade, or simply sitting back and admiring the beauty of the countryside.

Nutrition: Farm-Fresh Fare for Mother and Baby

One of the many perks of living on a farm during pregnancy is access to fresh, nutritious food straight from the source. From farm-fresh fruits and vegetables to pasture-raised meats and eggs, pregnant women on farms have the opportunity to nourish themselves and their babies with wholesome, nutrient-rich fare that supports optimal health and well-being.

The farm-to-table lifestyle ensures that expectant mothers have access to a diverse array of seasonal produce, free from synthetic pesticides, hormones, and additives commonly found in processed foods. Whether it’s plucking ripe tomatoes from the vine, harvesting crisp lettuce from the garden, or gathering eggs from the henhouse, pregnant women can take comfort in knowing that the food they eat is grown and raised with care and integrity.

In addition to fresh fruits and vegetables, many farm-dwelling expectant mothers enjoy incorporating homemade staples into their diets, such as whole-grain bread, artisanal cheeses, and preserves made from homegrown fruits and berries. These wholesome, homemade foods not only nourish the body but also nourish the soul, providing a sense of connection to the land and the labor of love that goes into producing them.

Community Support: A Network of Care and Connection

Living on a farm often means being part of a tight-knit community of neighbors, friends, and fellow farmers who come together to support one another through the trials and triumphs of rural life. For pregnant women, this sense of community can be a source of comfort, camaraderie, and invaluable support as they navigate the joys and challenges of pregnancy.

Neighbors may offer assistance with farm chores, provide home-cooked meals, or lend a listening ear during times of need. Friends and family members may offer words of encouragement, practical advice, or a shoulder to lean on when the demands of pregnancy feel overwhelming. And fellow farmers may share their own experiences and insights, offering valuable guidance and camaraderie along the journey to motherhood.

In addition to local support networks, many pregnant women on farms find solace and camaraderie online, connecting with other expectant mothers through social media groups, forums, and online communities. These virtual networks provide a sense of belonging and solidarity, allowing women to share their experiences, ask questions, and offer support to one another, regardless of geographical distance.

Challenges and Considerations: Navigating Pregnancy on the Farm

While living on a farm during pregnancy offers many benefits and rewards, it also presents unique challenges and considerations that expectant mothers must navigate with care and caution. From physical demands and safety concerns to access to healthcare and transportation, pregnant women on farms face a variety of factors that can impact their pregnancy experience.

Physical Demands: Farm work can be physically demanding, requiring strength, stamina, and agility to perform tasks such as lifting heavy objects, bending and stooping, and working in challenging weather conditions. Pregnant women must listen to their bodies, pace themselves accordingly, and avoid activities that may pose a risk to their health and the health of their baby.

Safety Concerns: Farms can be hazardous environments, with potential risks such as machinery accidents, falls, and exposure to chemicals or toxins. Pregnant women must take precautions to ensure their safety and minimize the risk of injury, including wearing protective clothing, using equipment properly, and seeking assistance with tasks that may pose a risk to their health.

Access to Healthcare: Living in rural areas can pose challenges in terms of access to healthcare, particularly for pregnant women who may need regular prenatal care and monitoring. Expectant mothers must plan ahead and coordinate with healthcare providers to ensure they receive timely and appropriate medical care throughout their pregnancy.

Transportation: Rural living often means limited access to public transportation, which can make it difficult for pregnant women to attend prenatal appointments, access healthcare services, and run errands. Having reliable transportation is essential for ensuring access to medical care and support during pregnancy, particularly in the event of emergencies or unexpected complications.

Isolation: Living on a farm can be isolating at times, especially for pregnant women who may feel cut off from social support networks or distant from healthcare services. It’s essential for expectant mothers to prioritize self-care, seek out opportunities for connection and community, and reach out for support when needed to combat feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Conclusion: Nurturing Life on the Farm

In conclusion, being a pregnant woman living on a farm is filled with unique experiences, challenges, and rewards. From connecting with nature and embracing physical activity to enjoying farm-fresh fare and building community support networks, expectant mothers on farms navigate pregnancy with resilience, strength, and a deep appreciation for the wonders of rural life.